5 Ways to Help Your Child Enjoy the Dentist

It is common for children to dislike going to see the dentist. This feeling may have developed from the stories they’ve heard, because they had a bad experience, or simply because they don’t like new environments. Dental tools, the big lights, the big chair, shots and...

Protecting Your Teeth with Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a white, plastic material that covers the furrows and pits of your molars to prevent decay and cavities. Children can have sealants placed on to their permanent molars once they come in, which is usually around the age 6 or 7. They can be applied...

Thumb Sucking & Permanent Teeth

Thumb Sucking is common among children who are under two years old and is usually associated with the child being hungry.  Other children thumb suck when they’re sleeping, teething, upset, tired or shy. About 30% of children in preschool continue to thumb suck. Most...