Coping with Dental Anxiety

Anxiety is fear of the unknown. Most people have experienced anxiety, to some degree, particularly if they were exposed to something they have never experienced before. This is the same with Dental Anxiety. Dental anxiety is not merely characterized by sweating of the...

Understanding Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection that affects the surrounding tissues of the teeth. Also known as gum disease, it is caused by the buildup of plaque (a sticky film bacteria) and is the main cause of tooth loss in adults. It is difficult to know that you have it...

Frequency of Dental Visits

Several questions are raised as to the frequency of dental visits. It is important to note that the schedule for a dental check-up varies with each person. There are some who require an every 6-month dental check while others may require a more frequent dental visit....

Yellow Teeth: Causes and Tips

Yellow Teeth can affect your appearance and can make you want to smile less often. It can impact your self-confidence, particularly when models and actors flash their white teeth on the cover of magazines. Why do teeth stain and turn yellow? And how does one prevent...


Inlays and Onlays are treatments that strengthen a damaged tooth while improving its appearance. They are used to treat tooth decay or a badly damaged tooth that does not require a dental crown. Inlays/Onlays are constructed in a dental lab before the dentist fits and...