How to Pick the Right Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is essential for keeping them healthy, so it is necessary to pick the right toothbrush. How do you know that you are using the correct toothbrush? Following are some helpful tips to guide you with your choice. The Size Pick a toothbrush head that...

How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Although there is actually no new special rules, knowing how to maintain good oral hygiene will keep your teeth and gums healthy for your whole lifetime and boost your confidence. Dentist’s Tips on How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Brush teeth with a...

Healthy Foods Promote Healthy Teeth

Healthy food is essential for a healthy body, as well as for healthy teeth. Limiting sugar in your foods and drinks will assure you of having healthy and stronger teeth. If you need to eat something sweet, limit it to only a few bites. Foods and drinks that contain...

The 411 on Fluoride

Fluoride is an important mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. It strengthens the teeth when it blends with the tooth’s enamel. It enhances the process of incorporating the minerals like calcium into the teeth that lead to the reversal of tiny cavities. This makes...

TMD: The Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) pertain to a variety of disorders that affect the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), jaw muscles and facial nerves. TMJ are the jaw and joint muscles located on each side of the head. They are responsible for opening and closing the...